
SOURSOP is built on top of the incredible MDTraj. As such, once MDTraj is installed, SOURSOP can then be easily installed using pip.

Install using conda

We recommend using SOURSOP with [mini]conda, and the link here can get get miniconda set up and installed.

Once conda is set up, you can open a terminal and install MDTraj followed by SOURSOP, and you should be good to go. Specifically, to start from scratch and install soursop in a clean environment:

# create a new conda environment called soursop. Note the
# name (after -n flag) can be anything
conda create -n soursop python=3.9

# activate your new conda environment
conda activate soursop

# set conda forge (if this is already done, re-running it
# is no issue
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

# install mdtraj
conda install mdtraj

# install soursop
pip install soursop

# check everything has worked OK
python -c "import soursop; soursop.version()"

Alternatively, if you already have an environment set up, you can install MDTraj and then SOURSOP into that environment, although there may be some dependency issues/clashes with MDTraj.

To install the current development version of SOURSOP you can use pip to install directly from the git repository using:

pip install git+ssh://

This assumes you already have MDTraj installed.

Compile from source

To build from source run:

git clone

# move into the soursop root directory where the file is
cd soursop

# the -e flag means soursop is linked against a live version of
# the code here, so any changes to the files made will be reflected
# in your system-wide imports.
pip install -e .

This also assumes you already have MDTraj installed.

Running tests

To ensure SOURSOP has been installed correctly you can run our complete battery of tests using PyTest. If PyTest is not installed you can install using

pip install pytest

and from the main SOURSOP directory (where is) run

# move to the tests directory
cd soursop/tests

# run ALL tests (takes some time...)
pytest -v


If you install MDTraj first via conda, all these dependencies will be met. However, for completeness, we provide the set of

  • mdtraj - underlying trajectory reading and representation is done by mdtraj

  • threadpoolctl - package for dealing with multiple threads

  • numpy - core numerical computing algorithms

  • scipy - core scientific computing algorithms

  • pandas - core data structure (required by mdtraj but not always included as a dependency)

  • pytest - required for running test